
Wednesday, March 25, 2015

What role does Mother Mary play in your life? - Daily Reflections March 25,2015

Exactly nine months before Christmas Day (depicting the nine months of conception) is the Solemnity of the Annunciation, which we celebrate today. This beautiful feast, honoring in a special way the recipient of that annunciation: none other than the Blessed Virgin Mary. To her is due our honor and veneration, for her “heroic” acceptance and consent to the will of God, to be the Mother of Jesus.
         “Heroic” is the word we used. Her decisive fiat (“Let it be done unto me according to Your Word”) was a far cry from an ordinary compliance to an order. Those suspenseful moments — in the course of the conversation between Angel Gabriel and Mother Mary, when the world as though awaited her final answer — must have been filled with the struggle of discernment. In the end, Mary’s faith and commitment, as well as her total resignation and complete abandonment to God’s will, prevailed.
         Bestselling novelist Paolo Coelho captured this quiet struggle on the part of Mary to accept God’s Will. In his haunting  novel, By the River Piedra I Sat Down and Wept, there is a passage whereby those momentous words of Mary, “Thy will be  done,” are given their full implication through a litany-like enumeration of the future episodes of pain and tribulation. All these were what Mary still had to face and go through in her life with her Son Jesus. But her constant refrain, “Thy will be done,” was to regularly recur and replenish her with reserved sources of strength and steadfastness.
     In other words, it was a yes which led to more yesses — a fundamental option which broke ground for more consistently aligned options in the present and future.
         We can’t be any less wishy-washy in our commitments and choices. Sure, we have our own struggles. But let’s allow Mary to always be our strength and guide. Fr. Martin Macasaet, SDB
REFLECTION QUESTION: What role does Mother Mary play in your life?
Dear God, thank You for giving us Mother Mary to be our guide and protector in this valley of tears.

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