
Sunday, March 1, 2015

What is your vision of God? Have you shared this vision with someone? - Daily Reflections March 1,2015

Every Second Sunday of Lent, the Gospel episode is about the Transfiguration of Jesus. For sure, everyone of us have our own  “transfiguration moments.”
       These are the “peak” experiences that bring us extraordinary inspiration, events in our lives that remain forever etched in our memories — those that we will always come back to as milestones, especially during difficult moments later in life. It can be our wedding or ordination day, depending on our state of life. It can be an inspiring event that we took part in, or even just a beautiful movie or concert we watched.
       In the case of Jesus’ transfiguration, something in this Gospel narration invites curiosity. He warns Peter, James and John, as implied in the passage: “As they were coming down the mountain, he strictly enjoined them not to tell anyone what they had seen before the Son of Man had risen from the dead.”
       This makes us wonder why Jesus would make such a warning. Referring to the vision, it may be worth asking ourselves first, “What is my own vision of God in my life? How do I see Him in my life?”
       Without a personal vision of God in one’s life, without a relationship with Him, everything else is useless. If we can’t quite answer this affirmatively and definitively, let’s not despair — it’s never too late to form our vision of God.
       A second question for reflection is this: “Have I told anyone of my vision of God? Or have I kept it mostly to myself?”
       We forget that there are so many others out there who are waiting to hear our story, who long to hear about our relationship with God.
       Jesus’ injunction may have been for Peter, James and John back then. But now, for us, it no longer holds. We must not hesitate to spread the Good News of God to others. Fr. Martin Macasaet, SDB
REFLECTION QUESTIONS: What is your vision of God? Have you shared this vision with someone?
Lord, thank You for Your presence in my life. May I have the courage to tell others how Your love for me became the greatest truth I’ve ever known.

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