Week is still a long way off, but as early as now we already read some
hints about Jesus’ suffering and death in our liturgical readings. While
this theme will obviously dominate the latter part of Lent, we already
see it as inevitable and necessary on the part of our Lord Jesus.
Would we rather have it that Jesus skip the pain and difficulty and opt
for a less tortuous way to save us? A wild thought perhaps, but worth
considering if only for reflection’s sake. Given that God’s ways are not
our ways, we affirm our faith in God who did not spare His
Only-begotten Son. Jesus’ words in today’s Gospel episode can’t be any
clearer as to His purpose and mission. More than just predicting the
fate He would endure, which is found at the beginning of the passage,
there is a statement at the end: “The Son of Man did not come to be
served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for
We pale in comparison to Jesus in this aspect. We are at a loss in what
we ask of Him in our prayers. He is quick to douse cold water to jolt
us: “You do not know what you are asking.” And to which He adds, “My
chalice you will indeed drink.”
Now that should really shake us up. So it turns out that our Lord Jesus
will not be alone in His suffering. We, too, will have to share in it.
We will all have the same lot. So why be ambitious for any extra-special
privileges? Why be envious of one another? Why put people in a bad
light by talking about them unfavorably, casting intrigues against them,
bickering and fighting with them?
There is no escaping our common destiny: a fate akin to that of Jesus in His redemptive suffering. Fr. Martin Macasaet, SDB
REFLECTION QUESTION: In your spiritual journey, what suffering have you experienced?
I am faced with suffering of any form, Lord, help me to always remember
that it is my way of sharing in Your suffering on the cross.
DIDACHE (dee-da-ke), the Greek word for teaching. It wishes to encourage the use of Sacred Scriptures among Catholics. It also wishes to reach the entire Christian people.
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