
Thursday, March 19, 2015

In your prayer today, ask for St. Joseph’s intercession, protection and guidance. Allow him to bring your prayer to God - Daily Reflections March 19,2015

Have you tried looking for images of St. Joseph via a computer search? Try Google Images, keying in “St. Joseph, Husband of Mary.” In a split second, your screen will be filled with so many wonderful pictures of St. Joseph. The noticeable thing about them is this: Many of the pictures depict the husband of Mary as bearded, mature and seemingly advanced in age.
       While this has been the long-standing tradition, it’s not a bad idea to picture Joseph as a young man, too, at the prime of his life. Why not? Since ancient times, Jewish marriage traditions would encourage marrying while still young of age. And besides, a young and full-bodied St. Joseph is a better model for us in today’s world.
       Today’s solemn feast in honor of St. Joseph celebrates his being the spouse of Mary, foster father of Jesus, and patron of the Universal Church — not merely as a worker or carpenter which is commemorated on May 1.
       Joseph is described as “an upright man” in today’s Gospel passage. Some synonyms are righteous and just. If we take the common meanings of the word, we will obtain a picture of St. Joseph’s greatness and sanctity. The opposite of upright is crooked or bent. Joseph was surely not dishonest and corrupt. His righteousness came from God, not himself; otherwise, that would be self-righteousness, which is something negative.
       Lastly, “just” has a nuance of giving what is due, which Joseph does as he strives to fulfill God’s will, especially in those crucial moments like his marriage to Mary and the birth of Jesus.
       May St. Joseph be more than just a model or patron saint for us — more importantly, may we learn to know him as our protector and guide. Fr. Martin Macasaet, SDB
REFLECTION QUESTION: In your prayer today, ask for St. Joseph’s intercession, protection and guidance. Allow him to bring your prayer to God.
Thank You, Lord, for giving us St. Joseph to be our protector and guide.

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