can be a make-or-break factor in the growth and success of any group,
organization, nation, or even the Church. Leadership guru John Maxwell
puts it this way: “Everything rises and falls on leadership.”
We say this because today’s liturgical readings are targeting rulers
responsible for leading their respective communities. In the First
Reading, the prophet Isaiah has in mind the princes of Judah whom he
challenges to heed the cry of the poor and the powerless. While Jesus in
the Gospel attacks the scribes and Pharisees, Matthew has in mind the
Christian leaders being referred to in the original context of the
Gospel passage.
Jesus’ words are very clear: “You have but one teacher, and you are all
brothers...; you have but one Father in heaven...; you have but one
master, the Christ.” In other words, He emphasizes our fundamental
oneness, making us all equal with one another.
Does this mean there is no need for any leadership? Far from it. Jesus
explains it in the end by giving a crucial qualification to our
leadership — if it is to be a genuine one. It ought to be a leadership
marked by humble service.
This is what makes leadership a make-or-break factor. Anything less
than servant leadership — authentic and Christ-like because of its
characteristic humility and selflessness — will fail. The best example
is that of the scribes and Pharisees themselves. Because of their
pathetic attempts at some sort of leadership (if it can be called that
way), Jesus instructs His listeners: “Do and observe all things
whatsoever they tell you, but do not follow their example.” And why is
that? “For they preach but they do not practice.”
All you leaders out there, better heed Jesus’ warning! Fr. Martin Macasaet, SDB
REFLECTION QUESTIONS: If you are a leader, what marks your leadership? Is it humble service? Or is it pride and power?
Humble me, Lord, that I may lead according to Your example.
DIDACHE (dee-da-ke), the Greek word for teaching. It wishes to encourage the use of Sacred Scriptures among Catholics. It also wishes to reach the entire Christian people.
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