
Friday, March 20, 2015

Deep in your heart, how would you rate your relationship with Jesus? - Daily Reflections March 20,2015

Good Friday is still two weeks away but we get a glimpse of future events in our readings today. In the First Reading, the book of Wisdom gives us hints on the unfortunate destiny of the just ones as plotted by the wicked who are often suspicious and envious of them. This is exactly the case with Jesus Christ. In today’s Gospel, Jesus is threatened with being arrested and killed.
         “The Lord is near to the broken hearted,” our Responsorial Psalm puts it. God’s nearness to us serves as our protection and strength. It brings us that genuine, intimate knowledge of Jesus, which is lacking in those who pretend or claim familiarity with Him. As the First Reading says, “He professes to have knowledge of God and styles himself a child of the Lord.”
         Our Lord unmasks our pretenses and hidden motives. He says, “You know me and also know where I am from.” It is only through a sincere awareness and understanding of Jesus that we will grow in our love and devotion to Him. Jesus will then have a place in our lives — not just a small, hidden one, but something truly genuine.
         God may have His hidden counsels, but they are only hidden from us insofar as we stubbornly refuse to see, or if we are blinded by our sinfulness.
         May we be able to seize the Lord — not to capture or arrest Him, but to have an authentic relationship with Him in our lives. Fr. Martin Macasaet, SDB
REFLECTION QUESTION: Deep in your heart, how would you rate your relationship with Jesus?
Draw me near to You, O Lord, and never let me go.

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