
Monday, November 3, 2014

What is your motivation for giving? Do you give selectively and only to the people whom you like or who can return the favor? - Daily Reflections November 3,2014

A story was told about St. Lawrence, whose faith, poverty and love for the poor were exemplary. The king heard of the various riches the church had: chalices, candle holders, images and other paraphernalia made of gold. Tempted, he called Lawrence and commanded him to surrender these riches. To his surprise, Lawrence said yes immediately. With alacrity, Lawrence gathered all the sick, the lame, crippled, blind, deaf and every outcast, and brought them before the king. The king was taken aback by the presence of these people in his kingdom. He got very angry and asked Lawrence why he brought those people instead of the church’s riches. Lawrence replied, “Your Highness, these people you see are the riches of the Church!” For that, the king brought Lawrence to die via the iron grill.
         We can see why, in the Gospel, Jesus preferred that the poor and the sick be invited for dinner. They, being the riches of the church, should be the object of our concern. Jesus wanted us to be charitable, but charity is not just giving. It should also be given to the proper receiver.
       I have a friend who is very generous to a fault. He just gives and does not bother how the receiver uses his donation. But that is not enough. The responsibility includes seeing to it, as much as we can, that the goods entrusted to us, which we also entrust to others, are used well. In that way, the opportunity to do an act of charity is fulfilled.
       Another aspect of Jesus’ command is that when we share our resources with the poor, we do not expect them to return the favor. We normally expect to receive something for our good deeds, but with the poor, we are to give without expecting anything in return. That is authentic and total giving.
        Let us make sure that we help to serve. Charity is already a reward in itself. If some reward will come, thanks be to God. But we should not seek it out and account our beneficiary for that. At best, we help just by thinking that we are helping “the poor.” In the process, we do not expect anything in return but are just happy to serve. Fr. Benny Tuazon
REFLECTION QUESTIONS: What is your motivation for giving? Do you give selectively and only to the people whom you like or who can return the favor?
Lord Jesus, form my heart with Your brand of charity. Help me to give without counting the cost and without expecting anything in return.

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