
Monday, November 10, 2014

OUR CHURCH, OUR FAITH, OUR LIFE - Daily Reflections November 9,2014

Today we celebrate the feast of the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica in Rome. On its facade is written, “Omnium Urbis et Urbis Ecclesiarum Mater et Caput.” It means “The Mother and Head of All Churches of the City and of the World.” It was designated aptly because it is the cathedral of Rome and the pope’s permanent cathedral stands in its apse. Compared to St. Peter’s Basilica, it is more senior in dignity. So many of the Catholic Church’s significant events happened within the walls of this church.
       There were no churches during the time of the early Christian communities. Whenever they obeyed the command of Jesus to do the Last Supper in His memory, they would select a house and do it with an ordinary table. Later, they selected a table for that purpose. Places of celebration for the Holy Sacrifice also started to proliferate in communities. Later, realizing the need for a sacred place, dedication rites were started.
       Of course we believe that God is everywhere and we can relate with Him at all times. The late Cardinal Sin always loved to relate his experience while on a plane bound for Manila. Seated beside him was a non-Catholic. The man, realizing it was the Archbishop of Manila beside him, asked the Cardinal why Catholics go to church on Sundays when they can worship God anywhere. The Cardinal just smiled and kept silent. Later, the man asked to be excused as he was going to the restroom to pee. The Cardinal then asked why does he bother to go to the restroom. The man said that it was the proper place to pee. Then the cardinal said, “So is our worship. While we believe God is everywhere and we can pray to Him anytime, we still go to church — the proper, designated and accepted place to gather in prayer as a community!”
       It is always good to know that there is a place where we can conveniently pray and interact with our God. Let us strive to give it the dignity, respect, solemnity and honor it deserves. Fr. Benny Tuazon
REFLECTION QUESTION: How do you regard the church?
Lord Jesus, thank You for giving us the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass as a form of communal prayer and worship. Grant us a deeper appreciation of it.

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