
Friday, November 14, 2014

Does the way you live speak of your belief in the resurrection? Or do you embrace and live the saying, “Eat, drink, be merry, for tomorrow we die”? - Daily Reflections November 14,2014

Jesus talks about the days when the Son of Man is revealed. He was referring to Himself coming back to render judgment. Jesus mentioned two important signs. First, just like during the days of Noah and Lot, the people were busy with worldly and sinful things. The situation was so ripe for redemption and God immediately took action to save them. Second, that day will be so swift that one does not even have the time to go down from the roof or go home from working in the field. That was the mistake of Lot’s wife, who looked back at Sodom, thereby disobeying the strict orders of the angels. Lot’s wife was transformed into a pillar of salt.
       Jesus talked about His Second Coming many times. He also added that no one knows when it will be, but that the day will surely come. The world will end and we, living or dead, will face God and account for our lives. This also affirms our belief in the resurrection. When we die, we will not disappear. We have souls which will continue to live and journey towards our true home in the next life.
       The message is still the same: “Be prepared!” We live on this earth aware of the next life. We do not embrace the saying, “Eat, drink, be merry, for tomorrow we die.” We must live not only for this earth but for the next life. Since the day of judgment will come at an unknown time, we are reminded to live each day fully and always in regard to the end time.
       The message is very relevant. Looking around and based on how many of us live, we tend to disregard and, worse, to forget this important aspect of our faith. For those who do not believe in the next life, the responsibility is theirs. But for those who believe in it, it is best that we think, speak and act like one who believes in the resurrection.
       We are Easter people. We live and die in the truth of the resurrection. Fr. Benny Tuazon
REFLECTION QUESTIONS: Does the way you live speak of your belief in the resurrection? Or do you embrace and live the saying, “Eat, drink, be merry, for tomorrow we die”?
Lord, help me to always be mindful of Your Second Coming. May I learn to live with the next life as my reference.

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