
Tuesday, October 28, 2014

What or who is the capstone of your life? Of your family? Of your team? - Daily Reflections October 28,2014

My many years in formation work showed me how difficult it is to unite young people who come from markedly different cultures. Putting them together in common activities for short durations is no big problem, but making them live and work together for long stretches can pose a problem.
       It must have been quite similar during the time of St. Paul. He writes to the Ephesians, who were former Gentiles, but who had to rub shoulders with Christians of Jewish background.
       Back in my seminary formator days, it was hard to make those from Luzon and those from the south form a solid, united front, and agree with each other on many issues, except on one particular issue.
       And that one element — a kind of capstone, if you will — was sports, particularly football. After some years, I realized that all they needed to forge incipient unity as a batch was to let them have competitive matches with outside teams. Soon, certain individuals shine and take over as informal leaders. Sooner or later, one or two particular players become MVPs (Most Valuable Player) in their own right and prove indispensable to keep the team together.
       The former act very much like foundation stones, while the latter become the equivalent of the capstone that holds the team together. Both, however, are responsible for making the team grow in skills and strategies.
       Becoming a Church is a little like a team initially groping for unity and strength. We need people like Simon and Jude, whom Paul describes as foundation stones. But important as they may be, foundation stones need much more to complete the edifice. We, as Church, need Christ, the capstone that holds the whole structure together.
         Young seminarians may find a common cause in football, but more than just football is needed to make them form “a worthy dwelling place of God in the Spirit.” They don’t need just a captain. They need a capstone: Christ! Fr. Chito Dimaranan, SDB
REFLECTION QUESTION: What or who is the capstone of your life? Of your family? Of your team?
Be the capstone of my life, Lord.

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