
Monday, September 1, 2014

How does advertising affect you? Do you tend to slip into the trap of focusing on worldly things rather than storing up for yourself treasures in heaven? - Daily Reflections August 31,2014

It is scary to think that one can be totally successful by the standards of the world and yet fail to enter the Kingdom of God. The only way to prevent this from happening is to ensure that in every decision we make, we remember that we live in the world but we are not of the world. This is most evident in how we pay attention to advertising. Is there an advertisement that tells us to delay our earthly pleasures for the sake of better ones in the Kingdom of God? In fact, we are more likely see exactly the opposite: Get it while you can for it may not be here tomorrow!
       This “get it while you can” attitude is totally antithetical to the values of the Kingdom of God, which are always forward-looking and have eternal life as the motivation to guide us in the here and now. Jesus reminds us that it is useless to gain the whole world (now) and lose eternal life (future). We need to find the right balance between pursuing the things of the world and looking forward to receiving the promises of eternal life.
       It is not easy to find this balance as the world can be very insistent on its agenda. Advertising companies spend a lot of time and millions of dollars to try and obscure this goal and keep you from lifting your eyes from the
ways of the world to those of heaven. This is why we need to be men and women of prayer and Scriptures. It is Scriptures that will form our hearts and minds in line with God’s standards and help us keep the advertising world’s agenda at arm’s length and in its proper place. Fr. Steve Tynan, MGL
REFLECTION QUESTIONS: How does advertising affect you? Do you tend to slip into the trap of focusing on worldly things rather than storing up for yourself treasures in heaven?
Holy Spirit, help me to embrace the life I am called to as a disciple of Jesus. Help me to keep my eyes fixed on the things that really matter as I go about my life in this world.

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