
Sunday, September 21, 2014

Do you live the Gospel? - Daily Reflections September 21,2014

The conversion of St. Paul was dramatic. Even those around him, who once knew Paul as a staunch defender of the Law persecuting Christians and now defending the Christian faith, were astounded to see the effect of grace upon his life. Paul was filled with passion for the Lord — Christ was the air he breathed and the fruit of his ministry. Paul established many faith communities and touched many lives through his teaching and ministry in the power of the Spirit.
       Today’s Second Reading speaks to us of the dilemma of Paul. Filled with passion for the Gospel and desire to be with the Lord, Paul knew within himself that God was in control of his life. If God wanted him to continue his work, then so be it. He had that eternal perspective and counted everything as loss compared to knowing Christ and the power of His resurrection.
       Paul reminds us of the simple truth to live the Gospel. But what does that exactly mean? The Gospel is Good News. The Good News is that Jesus has come to this earth to open heaven for us. Heaven’s door was once shut through the sin of Adam, the disobedience of man. The ministry and life of Jesus was a pleasing sacrifice to the Father because of the Son’s obedience. By His death on the cross, the Father was pleased with the sacrifice and rose Jesus from the dead. This is the good news: Jesus, who died, rose and will come again. This is the mystery of faith that we proclaim at every Mass.
       Paul instructs his converts to avoid anything unworthy of the Gospel. In other words, avoid evil thoughts, words and actions. To shun evil is to avoid selfishness. We desire to be fed with the truth of the Gospel. The Gospel is personified in Jesus. He is the Gospel per se. By surrendering ourselves to His power, to the inspiration of the Spirit, we seek to be filled with Christ and live the way He showed us. Fr. Brian Steele, MGL
REFLECTION QUESTION: Do you live the Gospel?
Lord, may I live according to Your Gospel. May I be good news to others, not bad news. Amen.

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