
Monday, September 29, 2014

Do you delight in the will of God or your own will? - Daily Reflections September 28,2014

Many teenagers struggle with their parents’ instructions and demands. At a time in their life when they seek maturity and their own identity, a parent can often be their frustration and ongoing enemy. Parents only want to offer advice in love. They were once teenagers, too, and feel it is in their children’s best interest to help them out. But many teenagers desire to hold firm to their opinion and this results in anger, misunderstanding and miscommunication.
       The parable of Jesus today reminds me of the relationship between parents and teenagers. The parent in the parable is asking for assistance in the vineyard, and the son, a teenager, doesn’t want to help out initially but obliges later on. The teenager at first will reject the advice of the parent, but after thoughtful consideration may change his mind and heart, as we see in the first person mentioned in the parable today. Jesus explains to the Pharisees that many are coming into the Kingdom; albeit they are sinners, excluded from the synagogue worship, they eventually have a change of mind and heart.
       We all have a tendency to initially react negatively to advice, correction or requests because they infringe on our freedom and decision to act. We want to be in control, so we do not like it when one comes asking for assistance that will take our time, energy and effort.
         At first the sinners and the unwelcomed guests were reveling in their own ways following their own will. At the sight of Jesus’ concern and love, they have a change of heart and mind. And this is what Jesus celebrates in His parable — transformation, conversion, a reversal of lifestyle. The stubbornness of the Pharisees is proven, Jesus observes, that even after witnessing this change of heart and mind, they are not willing to change themselves. The call of the Lord is demanding. A part of us stubbornly resists change. We become too comfortable in our sin. The Gospel reminds us to change our ways for the sake of the Kingdom. Fr. Brian Steele, MGL
REFLECTION QUESTION: Do you delight in the will of God or your own will?
Lord of love, make me walk in the way of Your truth. Amen.

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