
Friday, September 19, 2014

Do you believe in the equality of men and women? Do you uphold the dignity of man and woman created in the image of God? - Daily Reflections September 19,2014

In the Catholic Church, one of my observations is the number of women involved in church activities. Oftentimes, women outnumber men in attendance at Mass, prayer groups and seminars. Women seem to be keener to offer a hand when it comes to organizing church affairs. Have you noticed this, too?
       Luke reports to us a typical day in the life and times of Jesus, going through villages and towns — preaching, teaching and healing. He mentions that certain women accompanied Him along the way. John tells us of the women who stood at the foot of the cross of Jesus, of women touched by Jesus’ ministry who saw it fitting to serve and offer assistance to Him. The Lord enjoys their generosity, which is a very big statement in the eyes of a society where women were seen as inferior and looked down upon by their male counterpart. Even in many societies today, women are seen as second-class citizens. Many popes and spiritual writers have denounced this attitude and sought to renew the value and dignity of women in the life of the Church and society at large.
       Noticeably, our Church is predominantly patriarchal. Men lead the Church through the cardinals. Men are called to the priesthood in the person and name of Christ who was a man. Men are often seen in top positions, but there are now many women taking prime positions in the life of the Church and the world. Many world leaders now have women guiding and influencing their governments. I believe this is a good thing. Women bring a certain level of warmth, genuine concern, intuition and constancy in their dealings with people. They complement men and play an important role in the formation and nourishment of life. After all, none of us would exist on earth if it was not for the woman we call mother. Fr. Brian Steele, MGL
REFLECTION QUESTIONS: Do you believe in the equality of men and women? Do you uphold the dignity of man and woman created in the image of God?
Lord, give us grace to respect and love all people, created in Your love. Amen.

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