
Thursday, August 7, 2014

Whenever you go to confession, do you realize that it is Jesus, wrapped in the person of the priest, who listens to you and absolves you of your sins? - Daily Reflections August 7,2014

I do not have a lot of time to argue with people who take specific Scripture passages literally and ignore many others, especially those that support our many Catholic practices. They love to preach against these practices, like the sacrament of reconciliation. Today’s Gospel does not allow too many logical interpretations other than the one the Catholic Church gives it — that the power of priests and bishops to forgive sins has been given by God.
       The reality is that, without institutionalizing the gifts of the Spirit, there is no way to retain order in the life of the Church. The  Montanist heresy demonstrated this when it rejected the authority of the bishops and allowed everyone to live “as the Spirit led them.” This does not work, as sin leads people astray. Rules are needed in order to keep the peace and make organized communities a reality. Chaos is the inevitable result if there is no real authority structure. That is precisely the witness of the Protestant and born again churches that simply split and make a new church when they disagree strongly enough over a point of doctrine or practice.
       The description in today’s Gospel allows for an ordered process of reconciliation within the Church and the lives of its people. Yes, we can ask God’s forgiveness directly and I am sure He will forgive us. But what about the damage we have done to the Church and other peoples’ lives by sinning? The sacrament, as celebrated in the Catholic Church, allows for the human dimension of forgiveness to be ministered, and the priest to stand in for both God and the Church to administer it. Fr. Steve Tynan, MGL
REFLECTION QUESTION: Whenever you go to confession, do you realize that it is Jesus, wrapped in the person of the priest, who listens to you and absolves you of your sins?
Jesus, I pray for priest confessors. Help them to be attentive in the sacrament so that the advice they give will help us grow in our experience of Your mercy, love and forgiveness.

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