
Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Do you find it hard to forgive? Ask God for the grace to do so - Daily Reflections August 13,2014

Forgiveness is hard work and requires perseverance to be effective. There is a process outlined in today’s Gospel that provides a few rudimentary principles that we can apply. It is not a comprehensive description that will fit all occasions. Each of us will have to discern how to best forgive those who sin against us and ask forgiveness from those we have sinned against, according to the nature and circumstance of the act. This is not giving license to relativism. It is merely respecting the fact that no two situations are perfectly alike. Every person approaches things in a slightly different way and we need to respect that.
       Having said that, the basics are fundamental: Forgiveness is a goal whose path may be long and winding or relatively short, depending on the situation and the people involved. It is crucial that we always remember that there are at least two sides to any story and we need to be careful in making assumptions. In fact, assumptions are best avoided altogether. Dialogue and mutual understanding are the keys to conflict resolution.
       Jesus shows the way with the example of His life. For Him, there is no sin too big that cannot be forgiven. When you consider that even the smallest sin is of infinite insult to His goodness, this is saying something indeed. There are many horrific sins committed against innocent people but even these pale in comparison to how God experiences our sinfulness. Let us then, having received God’s mercy in our own lives, seek to give that same mercy to those who sin against us. Let us try to look beyond our own hurts and see the hurts and struggles of others, so that we may understand their actions better, no matter how hard it may be for us. Fr. Steve Tynan, MGL
REFLECTION QUESTION: Do you find it hard to forgive? Ask God for the grace to do so.
Jesus, You are the only way to the Father and that way includes the ministry of forgiveness. Help me to forgive others in the same way You have forgiven my sins.

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