
Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Where in your life can you become more holy, more merciful, and more perfect as God calls you to be like Him? - Daily Reflections June 17,2014

In the time of Moses, God reminds His people to be holy as God is holy. Luke says it another way, “Be merciful as God is merciful.” Still, Matthew describes it another way, “Be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect.”
       This is a tall order to follow but not without the grace of God. By striving to live the spirit of the Beatitudes of Jesus, a Christian is challenged to love and mercy. Being perfect is exactly this: to imitate the love and mercy of God. No one can be perfect as God is. He alone is holy and perfect in all His ways, yet the call remains the same: to follow Him. As the popular phrase says: Practice makes perfect!
       Jesus reminds His followers that by loving those who love us, we achieve no benefit. The Christian is to love even those who will persecute and destroy his reputation. After all, we were once enemies of God ourselves, but have been brought close to Him by the blood of His Son, who loved us and sacrificed Himself for us.
       Jesus gives us an example of loving one’s enemies when, at the cross, He invokes the Father’s mercy upon those who crucify Him. He shows us how to love by loving those outside our circle of friends when He illustrates the parable of the Good Samaritan. Finally, He teaches us to love. We notice how he was silent at His arrest and trial before Pilate and Herod. Through His life and ministry, He shows us the way of love.
       Who do we consider as our enemies in life? Who are they who seemingly have nothing to do with us, those we don’t bother to relate with? These are the people God is asking us to reach out to and love. There is no virtue in loving those who love you. Jesus challenges us to look beyond.
       We can choose to live mediocre lives or to step beyond our comfort zones and reach out to the less fortunate who need our care and attention — to help them see God in and through us. God will accept this more as a pleasing sacrifice. But the choice remains up to us. Fr. Brian Steele, MGL
REFLECTION QUESTION: Where in your life can you become more holy, more merciful, and more perfect as God calls you to be like Him?
Merciful and Loving God, give me the grace to be like You more and more each day. Am

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