
Monday, June 9, 2014

Seek a word or phrase that strikes you in the Gospel today. Stay with it, ponder it, and allow it to take root in your life. What is the Spirit trying to tell you? - Daily Reflections June 8,2014

Happy birthday to us!
       Today we celebrate the birthday of the Church since it was on the first Pentecost that many were added to the number of disciples. The Spirit breathed on the disciples His life-giving power, and they became missionaries of the Gospel. At first, they were frightened. Only when Jesus came and breathed upon them were they empowered to proclaim the Gospel. Jesus then invited them to receive the Holy Spirit.
       This reminds me of the second chapter of Genesis, whereby God breathes into man and he becomes a living being. Like Ezekiel, who, under God’s command, sees the winds and breathes life into the dead bones, and they become a strong army. Like the Spirit, who hovered over the face of the earth’s chaos of void and confusion, blowing life into all creation according to the will of God. Like the Spirit, who is invoked at every Eucharist, over the bread and wine to become the Body and Blood of Christ. Such power there is in the Spirit. Such power there is in the breath of Jesus.
       One of my favorite hymns is “Breath of God.” The first line reads: “Breathe on me, breath of God, fill me with life anew, that I may love what Thou does love and do what Thou would do.” It speaks of the breath of God that takes over one whose life is given to the power of the Spirit. We all know what power there is in the wind. Typhoons, hurricanes, tornadoes and the like are the most powerful forms of wind. We are also aware of the cool breeze coming from the ocean on a hot summer’s day, or the breeze so common in the Philippines at Christmas time.
       This is how our God comes sometimes — like the powerful wind, noticeable at Pentecost, or like the gentle breeze that Elijah experienced at Mount Carmel.
       The breath of God comes to us today and always when we call upon the Spirit. Fr. Brian Steele, MGL
REFLECTION QUESTION: Seek a word or phrase that strikes you in the Gospel today. Stay with it, ponder it, and allow it to take root in your life. What is the Spirit trying to tell you?
Come, Holy Spirit, come. Give us Your gifts and may we live the fruit of Your Spirit in our lives. Amen.

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