
Saturday, June 7, 2014

How do you respond to those words of Jesus: “Follow me”? - Daily Reflections June 7,2014

Today’s passage comprises the very last verses of the last chapter of John’s Gospel. Peter has just been reinstated and he notices the beloved disciple following. He questions Jesus about this disciple. I always find Jesus’ response fascinating: “Do not worry about him; you follow me.” We do worry about others and sometimes that concern can be born of jealousy, competition or loving concern. The deal with Peter, as with us, is simple: to follow Jesus.
       I also find the last verse interesting. John seems to have run out of space and time, and says there are many other things that Jesus did. His Gospel is not exhaustive. John could have written books and books about Jesus’ life and ministry. There is so much to learn and understand from the life of Jesus. Even Jesus says there will be too much for us to bear (John 16:12) and that He will give us the Holy Spirit who will teach us everything (John 14:26). I believe our life is to be the continuation of the Gospel. People will  see our lives and therein read the Gospel. Jesus Himself mentioned to the disciples that they will do greater things (John 14:12). That is amazing.
       We are now on the threshold of Pentecost. The Spirit will be given to us and we will continue the work, life and ministry of Jesus. The ordained minister does exactly this to prolong the life of Jesus by preaching God’s Word and administering the sacraments. But all of us have a role to play in proclaiming the Gospel. Ignatius of Loyola and others have said that there are only four gospels, but we are the fifth by way of our lives.   
       It would be good today to seek the Lord and recognize the grace He has given you this Easter season. What is it that God is doing in your midst as you come to the end of the Easter period in the life of the Church? What has struck you in the homilies at Mass, in the reflections you have read, and in your daily prayer? Gather this today and ask God for the Spirit to sustain you in His grace at this point in your life. Fr. Brian Steele, MGL
REFLECTION QUESTION: How do you respond to those words of Jesus: “Follow me”?
Jesus, You call me to follow You. May I respond to Your call and see where You are leading me. Amen.

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