
Monday, May 12, 2014

How strong is your faith relationship with God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit? Are there things that you can do to strengthen these relationships? - Daily Reflections May 12,2014

As I write this reflection, we have had a new pope for about a month. In that short span of time, Pope Francis has surprised us with his ability and willingness to engage all who are willing to engage with him. Herein lies what I think will be one of the lasting legacies of his papacy. He will be remembered for his ability and willingness to listen and then to act pastorally on what he has heard. His theology is similar to that of Benedict XVI; however, his pastoral manner is much simpler and perhaps more empathetic, both visually and in practice. Each man has his gifts and this is the gift that Francis brings to his leadership of the Church.
       The agenda of Vatican II was to call the Church back to its roots so that it can better engage with the world in a dialogue and, thus, enable it to bear witness to the Gospel truths and call forth the gift of conversion among the People of God. Pope Francis seems to be shepherding the Church in this very direction as he calls for consistency between both the faith as we understand it and the faith as we live and express it. Traditionally speaking, his call is for both the fides qua (the personal act of faith, the faith with which I or we believe) and fides quae (the doctrinal content that I or we believe) to be in lockstep with one another.
       This is critical both from a leadership point of view and from the standpoint of effective evangelization. Pope Francis is demonstrating a return to the idea that faith is all about the relationships that it nourishes and not just about doctrinal practice or purity. Yes, the latter is important, essential even, but without the lived experience and witness, it is all words and will be ineffective in convincing people that the doctrines of the Church actually reflect the truth as God wants us to live it.
       Let us all join with Pope Francis in strengthening the relationships we have so that we will be more secure in our faith and be more effective in witnessing to it. Fr. Steve Tynan, MGL
REFLECTION QUESTIONS: How strong is your faith relationship with God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit? Are there things that you can do to strengthen these relationships?
Holy Spirit, lead me to deepen my relationship with the Trinity. I want to draw the fullness of life that You offer me through the gift of Your grace.

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