
Friday, May 9, 2014

How do you value the sacraments of the Church? Do you avail of their graces as often as possible? - Daily Reflections May 9,2014

I always find it a bit difficult to understand why it is only the Catholic Church and those in full union with Her that take this text literally. For all the talk about the inerrant Word of God that emanates from the writings of Protestant theologians, there is an embarrassing silence when it comes to understanding this Eucharistic imagery in John 6. Jesus seems to be very serious about the imagery as He repeats it a number of times. This ought to make us seriously consider that what He is saying is a sacramental and not simply a sign. The union to which God is calling us is deeper than that of a mere sign — it is a personal invitation to enter into a personal relationship and everything else that it involves.
       As Catholics, it is good for us to take this moment to reflect on our understanding of the Eucharist, in fact all of the sacraments, and the way they invite us to enter into a deeper relationship with Christ. The gift of the sacraments to the Church is one that has been highly undervalued in the last few decades. It is time for us to rediscover the wonder and gift they are to us, and so draw from the abundance of graces they make available to us. Sure, they are not the only avenues through which we can avail of God’s grace, but they are important ones. Let us never take them for granted, or they will become like muscles that have atrophied for lack of use.
       It is not just up to the priests of the Church to instill enthusiasm in us. We all have to take responsibility for developing and deepening our understanding of the faith. This is a part of developing our gratitude to God for all that He has done for us. Gratitude is a great motivator in recognizing the nature of the blessing that comes with the gifts God bestows on us. Let us never forget what we owe God for His generous love for us. Fr. Steve Tynan, MGL
REFLECTION QUESTIONS: How do you value the sacraments of the Church? Do you avail of their graces as often as possible?
Holy Spirit, help me to open my heart to the avenues of grace that You offer me. I do not want to miss anything that You have for me.

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