
Saturday, February 22, 2014

What are your happy recollections of the priests you grew up with? - Daily Reflections February 22,2014

Priests are given the immense responsibility of taking care of the people of God. And for someone like me who grew up in a big family, this seemed an easy responsibility — but not until I was assigned as parish priest for nearly a decade at Sto. Niño de Tondo Parish and now as director of the Archdiocesan Catholic Charismatic Renewal Ministries of Manila since 2003.
       My biggest and most fulfilling mission, however, is to be with the retired priests of the Archdiocese of Manila housed at the Cardinal Sin Welcome Home (CSWH). In the beginning, I thought I would not fit in with my housemates, as people would describe me as full of energy and happy, the opposite of those I would be called to be with and, in a way, take care of.
       Sooner, though, I realized that the same characteristics people ascribe to me are exactly what my senior priests need — one who can laugh with them, entertain them, and show eagerness for life even after retirement.
       Even in old age, priests still want to serve, and I bear witness to their desire to still be in active service. Their physical strength dictates otherwise though. What they lack in activity, they make up for in inspiration.
       In 2011, while on sabbatical studies in California, I chanced upon a book, Why Priests Are Happy. Returning home in December that year, I found out that the priests in the Archdiocese of Manila had received the same book as a Christmas gift. The book captures the disposition of the retired priests in CSWH: A happy priest is a man of communion. He shares his life, emotions and challenges with others. A happy priest is someone who values priestly fraternity and mutual support.
       “Sharing and giving” are key to a happy life. We must always be open to others so they may fill us. It is like saying, “God, I give myself to You. I am Your vessel.” Like Peter in the Gospel today, may we become bearers of the keys to the Kingdom — the Kingdom of endless joy and perfect grace beginning today, right now, right where we are planted. Fr. Erick Y. Santos, OFS
REFLECTION QUESTION: What are your happy recollections of the priests you grew up with?
Lord Jesus, thank You for the gift of the Church which You founded upon Peter, the Rock.

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