
Sunday, January 19, 2014

The Infant Jesus in royal robes asks today: Are you still developing your faith? What are you doing to strengthen your faith? - Daily Reflections January 19,2014

Seldom do I have the chance to visit the beautiful city of Cebu, but whenever I go there, my first visit is to the Basilica of the Sto. Niño, where I pay my respect to the revered image of the Child Jesus.
       It is quite different from the Baby Jesus we have venerated at Christmas. There the Baby Jesus was covered only in skimpy swaddling clothes. In Cebu, the Sto. Niño stands before us in the full regalia of a king. He wears a crown and royal purple cloak. He holds the scepter as a symbol of power and the globe as a symbol of the universe. Before us stands the King of kings, the King of the universe.
       Looking at the Baby Jesus in the belen (nativity scene), we can easily think: What a small, weak, cute but harmless baby Jesus is. This impression is corrected by the image of the Sto. Niño. The Baby Jesus did not remain a baby but grew up and became a powerful, often demanding, preacher. This helpless baby of Bethlehem later uttered uncomfortable things like, “Love your enemies” or “He who wants to follow Me must take up his cross.”
       And so the image of the Infant Jesus in royal robes reminds us to look beyond its appearance and discover the adult Jesus, our Lord and Savior. When the late Pope John Paul II visited Cebu, he also paid a visit to the image of the Sto. Niño. In a homily, he reminded the faithful of what we just said: Jesus did not remain a child; He grew up. And then he continued, “In the same way, we must grow up in our faith.” To face the trials and demands of life, we need a strong and mature faith.
       To grow spiritually, we need regular nourishment through the sacraments. Especially in the Holy Mass, we receive even double nourishment. First, the Word of God that nourishes and guides us in our daily life. Then we receive the Eucharist, where Jesus becomes our nourishment.
       The feast and the image of the Sto. Niño then encourage us to grow spiritually, to trust God like a child and so mature in a faith that enables us to face whatever difficulties may lie ahead. Fr. Rudy Horst, SVD
REFLECTION QUESTIONS: The Infant Jesus in royal robes asks today: Are you still developing your faith? What are you doing to strengthen your faith?
Jesus, help me to deepen my faith, to mature spiritually and so become a more effective follower of Yours.

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