
Saturday, January 4, 2014

Do you see the Church in a positive light? Are you ready to defend the Church and present Her positive options to those who only criticize Her? - Daily Reflections January 4,2014


It makes me sad when Catholics leave the Church and join another sect because, as they argue, “the Church is too strict.” True, there are valid complains against the Church. Some feel uncomfortable with too many restrictions and commandments that “kill” their freedom and joy. It is true that the Church has become inflexible and out of touch with the reality that Catholics have to deal with every day. On the other hand, it could also be the Church’s reaction to the growing permissiveness in society today. But is the Church, or Christ Himself, really, a killjoy?
       Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI said in a 2007 interview: “Christianity, Catholicism, is not a collection of prohibitions: It’ a positive option. It’s very important that we look at it again because this idea has almost completely disappeared today. We have heard so much about what is not allowed that now it’s time to say: “We have a positive option to offer…”
       Jesus offered the two young men a positive option by asking them, “What are you looking for?” He asks us the same question. If we do not know what we are searching for, we will never know where to find it.
       Jesus invites Andrew and his friend, “Come and see.” What a gentle invitation! If Jesus had imposed commandments and restrictions upon them, neither the two men nor the other who would later follow Jesus would have stayed with Him for the rest of their lives.
       So, if we find the Church too demanding, we must have a wrong image of the Church and of Christ. If we see these commandments not as a restriction but as an assistance to find our way, we could come to the conclusion that Jesus offers positive points, as Pope Emeritus Benedict said. We are invited to share these positive options as Andrew did with his brother, Simon.
       Be glad therefore, to have received the invitation of Jesus to be a member of His community. Be glad that you have accepted the invitation to follow Him into a wonderful future. Fr. Rudy Horst, SVD
REFLECTION QUESTIONS: Do you see the Church in a positive light? Are you ready to defend the Church and present Her positive options to those who only criticize Her?
Lord, thank You for these insights, which will help me when I feel influenced by the negative attitude of people around me who only see Your Church as a dictatorial institution of the past.

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