
Thursday, December 5, 2013

Who are your real friends? Do you prioritize face-to-face time with them so that your relationships can truly grow? - Daily Reflections December 5,2013


There are usually many people and voices offering us advice and it is impossible for them all to be right. How do we decide to whom we should listen and respond accordingly? It is critical that we get the right advice for any particular decision, as otherwise it will not be possible to reach our full potential in either the eyes of the world or the eyes of God, or both. The last thing any one of us would want is to reach the end of our lives and then realize there was so much more we could have done if only we had responded differently to some of the challenges we faced in life.
       It worries me a lot to see the amount of time that young people, in particular, are investing in playing computer games and surfing the Internet and various social websites. None of these things is bad in themselves, but they can be a source of enormous distraction for us. I have enough trouble keeping the time I spend on emails under control without having to worry about Facebook and other forms of social media. We need to remember that nothing substitutes for real contact of a face-to face meeting. And when I say nothing, that is precisely what I mean.
       The other aspect of this that worries me is how people prefer texting and answering a cell phone even when they are in the midst of a conversation with someone else or at a meal. The person in front of us ought to have our attention, and unless we are awaiting a very important call, then texting and answering the phone can wait. It is always possible to return a call later.
       It is not those who have 675 friends on Facebook that have the best social lives, but those who truly value the important 20 to 30 or so primary friendships that they have and give them their due attention and respect. There is no value in calling someone a friend if it is not true, and you will never convince me that anyone can have hundreds of meaningful friendships. Fr. Steve Tynan, MGL
REFLECTION QUESTIONS: Who are your real friends? Do you prioritize face-to-face time with them so that your relationships can truly grow?
Holy Spirit, teach me how to value true friendships so that I will always prioritize the time I have to spend with them, the people I know who will always stand by me.

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