
Sunday, December 22, 2013

What phrase or word strikes your attention? Read the responsorial psalm and practice the lectio divina method of prayer - Daily Reflections December 23,2013


The psalms make good reflection for our meditation since they are hymns and prayers of the common people. In every psalm, we can see our own lives expressed. What we find difficult in expressing, the psalmist has made
known. Psalms can be a fantastic aid to prayer and intimate conversation with the Lord. The Divine Office, or Prayer of The Church, once prayed only by priests and religious, has now been made available for the laity.
       The ancient method of prayer Lectio Divina, or Divine Reading, is an aid to pray the psalms. By taking a key phrase or word, one allows himself to be nourished and enlightened by the Word of God. I often encourage
those I direct to use this method — those who are just starting out in their prayer lives and those who are seeking direction and guidance. The psalm says it all — laments, forgiveness, joy and thanksgiving.
       The Responsorial Psalm or Canticle in the readings today is the response of Hannah, echoed by Mary in the Gospel. Hannah acknowledges herself as part of the people of God whom He has saved. Hannah is invoking God’s assistance and salvation. In a time of praise and thanksgiving, she adds her voice — that the God who saves and exalts the humble has come to her aid.
       On this last Sunday of Advent, we are near to the great celebration of God Incarnate. The Canticle or Responsorial Psalm of today is fulfilled in Jesus. He is the Helper and Rescuer of humanity. He comes to restore the vineyard of God, namely Israel, and now the Church. Truly, we find in Jesus the God who has looked down from heaven and seen the great confusion of mankind. In His loving-kindness, He has rescued His people from danger of sin. Fr. Brian Steele, MGL
REFLECTION QUESTION: Read the responsorial psalm and practice the lectio divina method of prayer. What phrase or word strikes your attention?
Lord, I turn to you in my need. You are my rescue and help. O God, come to my aid.

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