
Saturday, December 21, 2013

Take time to reflect on the truth that we are “walking tabernacles.” What does this mean to you? - Daily Reflections December 21,2013


We are familiar with the Gospel today — the second joyful mystery of the Visitation, celebrated on May 31 every year. We can easily imagine the joyous encounter between these two women, one barren having now conceived, the other a virgin having conceived. We have an amazing God! The response of Mary’s kinswoman, Elizabeth, has been made into a prayer of the Rosary — Blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb.
       To bear a child is a gift of God. Joy and delight are expressed when one has been found pregnant. It is a great achievement that is widely celebrated and a great gift — the gift of children. In these days of Advent, our hearts are also pregnant with hope and expectation as we await the coming of the Lord in our midst. Actually, at every Eucharist we encounter this joyous hope when receiving Jesus in Holy Communion. Our hearts can overflow together with the joyous praise of Mary and Elizabeth in meeting the Christ within. In a wonderful way, Elizabeth prophesies of the beautiful fulfillment of God’s promises — He has come to visit His people.
       The story should remind us of the great respect due to every person we encounter. As a spiritual director once said to me, “We are walking tabernacles.” How true and awesome this is! Just as we genuflect upon entering our churches in reverence to the reserved Blessed Sacrament in the tabernacle, so, too, must we respect the human person who has Jesus dwelling within him. May we come to a deeper awareness of Christ’s gift in this time of Advent and Christmas. St. Paul reminds us that our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit. We must flee from all immorality and that which can distract us from this truth. Fr. Brian Steele, MGL
REFLECTION QUESTION: Take time to reflect on the truth that we are “walking tabernacles.” What does this mean to you?
Lord, thank You for visiting us. May we be found worthy of Your presence dwelling within. Amen.

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