
Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Have you made a genealogy? Look at your family history and seek to invite the Lord into the lives of your family members. Pray for them today - Daily Reflections December 17,2013


Today, we are given a lesson in pronouncing names. The long list of names in Jesus’ genealogy is read out to us every year and we yawn our way through it. We tend to think to ourselves, “What is the point of all this?”
       Genealogy is important in Jewish thought. It reveals the nature and background of people and families. Interestingly, we meet a few characters in Jesus’ ancestry that are well known as sinners and unfaithful people. God, we notice, writes with crooked lines. Though it might be messy to behold, God is doing a wonderful work in sending His Son and redeeming humanity. It is quite an amazing experience to see your genealogy and family of origin. I myself learnt much when I was exposed to it. We come to a deeper acceptance and understanding of where things have come to be in our lives and are inspired to move forward in the grace of God.
       My work in the parish involves the youth. It is a great joy to see them open up to the love of God. Over a number of years, we have been conducting a summer school of evangelization. God never ceases to amaze me as I watch the young people come to the Lord. By the end of the summer, they are inflamed with the love of God. Their lives have become different from when they first began. I am amazed when I hear their stories of their personal backgrounds. From some very abusive roots, the kids have opened up to the new life God offers them.
       Similarly, Jesus enters into an imperfect world with an imperfect ancestry. Now, that’s humility! All of us want to be seen as having it all together. Yet, as we take a look at our family of origin, we are reminded of the stark reality that we are not perfect. We are a work-in-progress. And that’s alright. Thank God for having Jesus come into the messiness of humanity. There is hope for us as we invite Jesus into our lives and the lives of our loved ones. God has become one of us and fills us with grace to love Him and return to Him who will grant us healing and restoration. Fr. Brian Steele, MGL
REFLECTION QUESTION: Have you made a genealogy? Look at your family history and seek to invite the Lord into the lives of your family members. Pray for them today.
Lord, thank You for calling me into a family. Moreover, thank You for inviting me into Your family of grace. Amen.

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