
Monday, November 18, 2013

What do you want Jesus to do for you? - Daily Reflections November 18,2013


That was quite an unusual question which Jesus asked of the blind man in today’s Gospel episode. Surely, our Lord must have already known about the blind man’s obvious incapacity to see, and yet He still asked of him, “What do you want me to do for you?”
       And we know the blind man’s reply, of course. “Lord, please let me see.”
       Medical doctors testify that when a patient has a strong will to overcome his sickness and continue living, it is as if he is already half-cured. If, on top of that, he has faith in his doctor’s competence and is ready to obey him in everything, then his chances of cure and recovery are very much increased. Our blind man in the Gospel had an overwhelming desire to be healed. Furthermore, his faith in Jesus was complete. These are certainly more than enough to guarantee his healing. It is likewise for us in our spiritual life. A strong desire to be cured and to follow Jesus, plus a great faith in Him, will cure us of the blindness of our arrogance, self-centeredness, sensuality, laziness and mediocrity. Such a desire and faith are obtained and nourished in prayer.
       This, by the way, doesn’t mean that we do all the talking in our prayer. That would be monopolizing the conversation! We need also (and more so)  to listen to God to what He says to us in our prayer. And indeed, He might ask us a question or two: “What do you want Me to do for you?” God just wants to be sure of our desire and our faith. Hopefully, we will know what to answer Him. Fr. Martin Macasaet, SDB
REFLECTION QUESTION: What do you want Jesus to do for you?
Lord, grant me the same firm faith that the blind man had in today’s Gospel.

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