
Saturday, October 26, 2013

Make an accounting of your gifts. Have they benefited people other than yourself? - Daily Reflections October 27,2013


The Gospel parable of this Sunday portrays two people who went to the temple to pray. God was pleased with the prayer of the tax collector. The prayer of the Pharisee was rejected as it did not reach God because it was not directed to God in the first place. Although the Pharisee began with, “O God, I thank you…”, the rest of his prayer was a litany of his perceived virtues. His prayer reached its destination: himself. The problem is, what he does is not consistent with who he is. All his actions were a façade. The tax collector, on the other hand, could not boast of even a single virtue. With head bowed, he could only mutter, “O God, be merciful to me a sinner.” And yet, the Gospel concluded by saying that he went home justified. God saw his prayer as sincere.
       We catch God’s attention when we do things in humility. The First Reading today affirms, “The prayer of the lowly pierces the clouds; it does not rest till it reaches its goal, nor will it withdraw till the Most High responds….” Humility, though, is not self-deprecation or self-hate. We are not being humble when we ignore our gifts and talents. That is false humility at best. At worst, it is wallowing in low self-esteem.
       There is a thin line separating pride and humility. They actually share something in common. Both begin with an acknowledgment of one’s gifts and talents, but this becomes pride when it is done in a spirit of isolation. The Pharisee in the Gospel knew his gifts and virtues but he saw them in a spirit of isolation, “I thank you because I am not like the rest of humanity.” This engenders pride and arrogance. But when done in a spirit of communion, self-knowledge breeds humility and gratitude. It means placing one’s giftedness at the service of the common good. That way, one can never be proud as he now sees himself as a servant. And service is kindred to humility.
       Let Sirach’s admonition be our guide today. May our prayers and actions pierce the cloud and not rest till they reach their destination — the bosom of God. Fr. Joel O. Jason
REFLECTION QUESTION: Make an accounting of your gifts. Have they benefited people other than yourself?
I thank You, Lord, for I am wonderfully made. Make my life a blessing to others. Amen.

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