
Friday, October 11, 2013

Are you inhibited in your practice of the faith? Can people read the Gospel in your life? - Daily Reflections October 11,2013


The Gospel for today speaks about the people’s demand for a sign. Signs are important and significant for us human beings. They give us direction and guide us towards our desired destinations. Traffic signs are used to promote order and to avoid confusion on the road. Bodily and physical signs, called symptoms, are indicators of a person’s health. We express our sign of love and affection to other people by offering them something significant (such as gifts). Our seven Sacraments in Church use visible signs in order to bring forth the invisible realities of grace, which effectively flow to anyone who receives it.
       In the Gospel, the Scribes and Pharisees question the exorcisms performed by Jesus. To further test Him, they demanded that Jesus give them a sign. Jesus never gave them any particular sign, simply because He is “the” sign that they were looking for, but they failed to recognize this. Jesus invites them to see that He is already in their midst; that He is already the message of the sign and the sign Himself, for He is both the revealer and the revealed of the Father.
       In our desire to look for a sign, sometimes we fail to see that we also have the ability to be a sign for others. Jesus challenges us to do so by becoming a sign of hope, a symbol of faith and an icon of love. Since we believe in Jesus Christ, who is ultimately the sign of God’s love, we, too, share in His mission. It only takes our desire, our “yes,” to be part of it.
       Let me end with a story. Every Sunday, two men would always come out of their house at the same time: one going to church, the other to play golf. The golfer would always invite the Mass goer to come play some golf with him and the other would politely decline. One Sunday, the golfer said, “I always invite you to play golf with me. How come you have never invited me to go to Mass with you?” Christians, be the sign the world is looking for! Fr. Joel O. Jason
REFLECTION QUESTIONS: Are you inhibited in your practice of the faith? Can people read the Gospel in your life?
Lord Jesus Christ, as we meet You in the Eucharist as a sign of Bread and Wine, bestow on us the grace to be true icons of Your love by leading others to Your presence. Amen.

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