
Sunday, September 15, 2013

What keeps you from going back to God now? Try Him. He will not turn His back on you - Daily Reflections September 15,2013


There was a competition among the angels in heaven. They were to look for the most beautiful thing they could find on earth. So they all went off and flew down. The first one saw a beautiful flower and picked it. The second angel went to a house where a baby was sleeping. Such innocence melted the heart of the angel. The third angel lost his way and found himself in a beer house where beautiful ladies were dancing. He was amazed, without a trace of malice, at the women’s beauty. Finally, the fourth angel went to my former parish to look for me. He wasn’t lucky enough though. I was not there. He proceeded to the church and saw somebody kneeling before the Blessed Sacrament. He was a most hardened sinner wanting to be reconciled with the Lord. In deep despair and sorrow for his sins, he cried unabashedly. The angel, on cue, caught the crystalline tears coming from the eyes of the repentant sinner. All four angels then brought their “beautiful discoveries” to heaven for final judging. The fourth angel won the competition, for nothing can be more beautiful than the tears of a repentant sinner.
       The Lord who came to cure the sick considers the return of a lost son as a cause for rejoicing. He never gets tired of looking for wounded souls.
       The father of the prodigal son never lost hope. After his son left and squandered all his inheritance, he never stopped waiting for his return. He hoped against hope that one day his son would return home. Because he was his son whom he loved unconditionally, he never gave up on him, gave him a new lease in life, and restored him to his dignity as his son.
       God’s love is total and unconditional. He does not postpone His forgiveness. Even Paul in the Second Reading admits that he “was once a blasphemer, persecutor and arrogant. But he has mercifully treated me.” God did not give up on Paul. And as cliché as it may sound, God loves us. He does not give up on us, lowly sinners. Fr. Erick Y. Santos, OFS
REFLECTION QUESTION: What keeps you from going back to God now? Try Him. He will not turn His back on you.
Lord, in shame, I thank You for bearing with me and loving me unconditionally.

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