
Sunday, September 8, 2013

How do you honor Mary, the Mother whom Jesus shared with you, and your own earthly mother? - Daily Reflections September 8,2013


The Gospel today talks about discipleship: “Whoever does not carry his own cross and come after me cannot be my disciple.” Discipleship entails sacrificing our life, even to the point of death, much like Jesus’ own death on the cross in order to follow the design of His Father in heaven.
       It is very telling that today is September 8, the birthday of Mary, the Mother of God. She is the perfect model for us, being the first disciple herself. She might not have known it in the beginning, but she was destined for great things, for the most challenging yet most fulfilling role: to be the theotokos, the Mother of God. Her yes to Angel Gabriel at the Annunciation speaks of her unconditional assent to God’s plan for her.
       Mary shared in the cross of Christ. She remained faithful to her Son, journeying with Him every step of the way. She was happiest when He was born, most submissive when He started His public ministry, and most devastated when He suffered and died on the cross.
       Mothers play a crucial role in the lives of their children. They can, as it were, make or break their future. With this said, the decision to be a mother goes beyond the willingness to carry the child in one’s womb. It demands commitment to rear children to their fullest potential, to be there in their children’s joys and pains, trials and victories.
       As the whole Church remembers Mary today, we are challenged to renew our own yes to the will of God for us. If we truly want to follow the Lord, we need to allow ourselves to experience rejection, pain, hurt, betrayal, suffering — knowing fully well, because we trust in the Lord who saves, that there is something great waiting for us in the end. When Mary said yes to be the mother of God, she also said yes to the pain of the cross, which her Son was bound to carry. But she still said yes because she knew in her heart that the pain was just part of what she was destined to be. She was humble enough to accept God’s invitation to be part of His plan for the salvation of men. Fr. Erick Y. Santos, OFS
REFLECTION QUESTION: How do you honor Mary, the Mother whom Jesus shared with you, and your own earthly mother?
Lord, like Mary, may I remain ever obedient to the will of the Father. Amen.

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