
Thursday, September 12, 2013

Have you totally forgiven yourself and others? - Daily Reflections September 12,2013


In the pursuit of our dreams, we inevitably commit mistakes and encounter defeat along the way. And more often than not, we feel bad because our mistakes and failures seem to indicate that we are never good enough. But have we pondered on this statement deeply? Whoever said we were not good enough?
       Most of the time, it is our own self — our own pride — trying to tell us: “You are no better compared to him; you should have been number one, not him,” and so on. We hate not being number one. But what’s wrong with being the second best?
       We are held in bondage by the competitions we impose upon ourselves, without realizing that the true delimiting figure in our life lies at the very core of our being, hidden in the deepest recesses of our heart. We will never be able to win the race that is not ours in the first place. We need to free ourselves from competition.
       The Gospel today talks about forgiveness: “Forgive and you will be forgiven.” It invites us to be merciful, just as our Father is merciful. But more than being other-directed, forgiveness should first spring from within us. We can only truly begin to forgive others if we first learn to forgive ourselves for our shortcomings, our failures, our indecisions.
       Know that God always forgives those who forgive others, including themselves. And He is a God of second chances. We should not be restricted by the mistakes, defeats and indecisions of the past. The present has the power to redeem our past; it has the capacity to change our future.
       Let us ask ourselves today: What are we capable of doing? And then, quite calmly, go off in search of our own immense potential,  claiming boldly that gifts will be given to us — a good measure, packed together, shaken down and overflowing! Fr. Erick Y. Santos, OFS
REFLECTION QUESTION: Have you totally forgiven yourself and others?
Lord, thank You for giving me a second chance each time I fail and fall. Amen.

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