
Thursday, May 23, 2013

Daily Reflections - May 23,2013


One of the dangers we usually face in our spiritual life is presumption, especially when it comes to the forgiveness and mercy of God. I must confess I also often fall into this trap of presumption.
       The Lord is kind and merciful indeed, but we must not presume His mercy. The mercy of God is a tremendous gift that we humbly and graciously accept from the Lord. We can add to the danger list the sin of self-sufficiency. Being self-sufficient is fine, but if it means total dependence on our efforts and not God’s grace, we need to do some serious reflection.
       The prophet once exclaimed that the heart is a devious thing. No truer word has been spoken. Who knows the heart of another? If we follow our passions and evil desires, the heart becomes despondent on the ways of God. It is a good thing to meditate on the words of wisdom we find in the Book of Wisdom. The author states that there is no time like the present to trust in the Lord and return to Him with all our hearts. Do not delay your return to the Lord.
       Pride is the first capital sin. It manifests itself in so many ways, the first being our denial that we have it. All have fallen short of the glory of God. The subtle power of pride undermines relationships and situations, producing anger and bitterness, angst and depression.
       It is time to give the Lord His due authority over our lives. Let God have His way in us. God knows best as a father disciplines his children with love.
       This day is the day of salvation. Now is the acceptable time to make a return to the Lord. Fr. Brian Steele, MGL
REFLECTION QUESTIONS: When was the last time you went to confession? Is the Lord prompting you to return to Him? Respond today to His grace.
Lord, I want to please You and delight myself in Your Law. I repent of the many times I presumed on Your mercy and forgiveness for my sins. Amen.

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