
Thursday, May 2, 2013

Daily Reflections - May 2,2013


When we have the unfortunate experience of witnessing a loved one pass away, we look for a gesture, a word or something that we can hold on to when they are gone. It was customary among Jesus’ culture to do the same. The one who was about to pass away would speak a word of encouragement or a gesture that will be profound in remembrance. The Gospel today is called the “Farewell Discourse” of Jesus to His close followers. At the Last Supper, in His final hours, He speaks to them intimately and lovingly.
Jesus tells the disciples about His love for them. His love is not just any kind of love; it is the extraordinary love of the Father. The Father loves Jesus unconditionally, tenderly, intimately and sacrificially. Jesus loves us in exactly the same way. And He tells us how to remain in that love — by keeping His commandments. The time of Jesus’ passing, His passion, will be a time of sadness and grief for the disciples. Jesus reminds them of His love so as to make their joy complete.
While meditating on today’s Gospel, I gaze on the crucifix and see the love Jesus has for us — sacrificial, self-emptying and selfless. Jesus expects that we show the same to each other, and nothing less. This is a great antidote to our selfishness, which can be so rampant at times. A sacrificial love is very fruitful, beneficial and rewarding. Just think of our parents who have loved us in sacrificial ways. The education we receive, the life we have —they have a lot to do with the sacrificial love of our parents.
Let us take some time in prayer to meditate on these words: “Remain in my love.” They remind me of the words of Catherine of Siena who once said we are like fish in the sea. Without water, fish cannot exist, yet they don’t even realize that they are dwelling in the sea.
God is a sea of love for us and sometimes we don’t even realize that we are dwelling therein — the ocean of God’s Love. Fr. Brian Steele, MGL
REFLECTION QUESTIONS: How has God manifested His love for you in your life? How have you, in turn, shown Him your love?
Like a fish in the ocean, Lord, I dwell in Your love. Help me stay and remain in Your love. Amen.

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