
Thursday, May 16, 2013

Daily Reflections - May 16,2013


After Jesus has prayed for the holiness of His disciples in this lengthy prayer for unity, He prays for those who will benefit from the work of the disciples — us! The bishops are the successors of the Apostles and the priests are the helpers of the bishops to bring about the Good News. Since bishops cannot be in every parish and in every part of the world, priests are ordained to serve and cooperate with the work of the bishops. Jesus prays for unity — that there will be united workers, hand in hand with the Head of the Church, Jesus Himself.
       Just as the Father and Jesus are one, so too does Jesus pray that His followers will be one. Having been given the Holy Spirit, we know that we are one with the Father and the Son. The Spirit is the love of God poured into our hearts. In this offering of prayer to the Father, Jesus is convincing the Father that we are worthy to be in His sight, because He has paid the price for our sins. This union with Jesus and the Father is made manifest, most of all, through the Eucharist that we share.
       Intercessory prayer is a gift that Jesus gives to His Church. In the Gospel today, Jesus is interceding for us, His beloved, before the Father. We should pray for this gift. In my experience, there are times when the Spirit impresses on my heart to pray for certain people at certain times. If we are open to the Spirit, we shall pray and intercede. The Lord is using us to unite that person to Him. It is a beautiful gift of the Church that probably does not get much attention. It is something important and vital to the life of the Church.
       Jesus desires that all be saved and come to know the truth of the Father. He desires that we all be with Him in heaven. What better way to accomplish that than through the power of intercessory prayer. Fr. Brian Steele, MGL
REFLECTION QUESTIONS: Are you united with Jesus in prayer? Do you commune with the Lord every day?
Lord, fill me with Your love and grant me the grace to intercede for the Church, others and myself. Amen.

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