
Thursday, March 28, 2013

Daily Reflections - March 28,2013

The goal of a Christian is to become more like Jesus every day. This is a very exacting task which we should not take lightly, as it will require much sacrifice and commitment — through both good and bad experiences. The challenge we hear in today’s Gospel has rung out from the time of Jesus: “Are you willing to lay down your life in the service of those around you?” We should not be too quick to answer yes to this question as the ramifications of a life of service are many and difficult.
Over the last three days, and again tomorrow, we have been and will continue to reflect on the four Songs of the Suffering Servant as found in Isaiah. We have seen that the role of a servant is challenging (first two songs) and the third song has introduced to us the element of suffering, which will be developed fully in the final song tomorrow as we reflect on the Passion of Christ. Central to the understanding of being a disciple of Jesus is our willingness to embrace the challenge of the mission and the suffering that comes with it.
Jesus reminds His disciples at the Last Supper, through washing their feet, that a minister of the Gospel should not seek to exalt himself but should always seek to serve in any given situation. Through service, we express our charity and love for others, and this is at the heart of the Gospel.
One of the things that the Church must look for in its ministers is precisely this attitude of service. If a person seeks the Sacrament of Orders in order to be respected or highly regarded by the people around him, then he should not be ordained until he has a real change of heart — until he embraces humility in his life.
The most effective ministers of anything worthwhile are those who are sufficiently humble, or those who seek the benefit of others above themselves. This is what is truly inspiring about Jesus’ life and ministry — it is wholly for us and not for Himself. Fr. Steve Tynan, MGL
REFLECTION QUESTIONS: Do you need to grow in humility? How can you seek to serve others? What can you do to teach yourself humility and true charity?
Jesus, You lived a life of total charity and love. Help me become more like You. Help me overcome the selfishness that so often governs my life.

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