
Monday, March 18, 2013

Daily Reflections - March 18,2013

The story of Lazarus is one that is full of many symbols that relate to the life and ministry of Jesus. We will attend to only one, namely the resurrection motif. Lazarus has died and been placed in the tomb for a number of days. By this time the body would be very smelly. There is no doubt that he is dead and not just sleeping or in a coma or some other sort of medical state.
Jesus comes to visit the family who is distraught over the loss of their brother. Yet, when questioned, Martha expresses a clear belief in life after death with God. After a short dialogue, Jesus raises Lazarus from death and restores him to his family and friends. What do we learn from this miracle of Jesus? The belief in the resurrection is not a universally-held belief among all Jews. For example, the Sadducees did not believe in it. In the resurrection of Lazarus, Jesus affirms that there is more to life than our journey here on earth.
The resurrection of Lazarus is a type of the resurrection of Jesus and, thus, foreshadows the resurrection that will definitively open for us the gates to eternal life. Yes, Lazarus is not raised to the life of heaven in this miracle but then, if he was, there is no way that we could know it was true anyway! He is raised from the dead in order to demonstrate the absolute power that Jesus exercises in His ministry and person. It further affirms that He has power over life and death, something ascribed only to God and, thus, we ought to be listening carefully to all that He says and does in order to identify what is relevant to our own lives.
As we reflect upon the resurrection of Lazarus, let us ask the Holy Spirit to enlighten our minds as to its application in our lives and, thus, how we should be responding to this miracle as we follow the path Jesus has mapped out for us. Let us never doubt that wherever Jesus leads us, He will give us the grace to accomplish all that He asks of us. Fr. Steve Tynan, MGL
REFLECTION QUESTION: In what areas of your faith journey do you have doubt at the moment? Invite God into them so that He can transform them by His power and love.
Jesus, You raised Lazarus from the dead; You have raised me from my sins. Help me live in the freedom You have won for my life.

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