
Thursday, March 14, 2013

Daily Reflections - March 14,2013

It sounds as though it is impossible to bear testimony to one’s self. However, it is possible. Whether or not the most powerful form of testimony is debatable, it is possible. Let us consider the example of Jesus. He tells us that the testimony He has is far greater than that of John. You remember, of course, that we are speaking here of John the Baptist giving testimony to the fact that Jesus is the Messiah.
When we consider the claims Jesus makes in the Gospel, it is obvious that the witness of His life is going to be an important aspect of His testimony. Namely, if He cannot back up what He is saying with His actions, then His Word, the Gospel, will be unconvincing.
The same is true for us when we share the Gospel with others. The Gospel is a way of life and people need to see that in our lives if we want to be convincing evangelists. There is little point in trying to convince a person to live according to a certain set of values if one is not willing to be a living example of those values.
The heart of the Gospel message is precisely a call to transform the way we live our lives, such that they speak to others of the Kingdom of God and its values. If the way we live is no different from that of others in the world, then it is difficult to see what we are really doing, let alone whether or not we have a convincing argument.
Living within a Christian community helps us with our lifestyle as there are practical ways in which we can support one another. On our own, it is very difficult to be a convincing living witness of the Gospel values in the face of a hostile world, but along with others, this task becomes possible. Fr. Steve Tynan, MGL
REFLECTION QUESTIONS: How well do you live the Gospel in your daily life? Are there areas where you can improve?
Holy Spirit, as I seek to live the Gospel values, help me draw strength from those around me who do the same.

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