
Monday, February 4, 2013

Daily Reflections - February 4,2013

The Jews regard swine as “non-kosher” or unclean. The mention of Jesus encountering a herd of swine in Gerasenes attests to the fact that Jesus had entered Gentile territories. Though He defined His mission as first for the salvation of the Jews, Jesus showed that His heart and soul have expanded to welcome everyone into God’s Kingdom. In fact, many of His miracles, such as the one narrated in the Gospel today, benefitted non-Jews.
What a relief it must have been for the man who, for a long time, was tormented by demons. Jesus not only healed and freed him — a beautiful fruit of the poor man’s recovery was that, after long years of living among the graves (a lifestyle that Jews considered as impure), now the man could go home and resume a peaceful life with his family and dear ones.
In the midst of such a wonder, the unhappy ending is that Jesus was banned by the people from entering their district. Yes, they now finally enjoy peace. No more madman running after them from among the graves. No more annoying loud cries from a possessed person. But they could not exchange all these for their swine herds — for their “economics.”
This is the new idol that rules the world today: economics. Governments and political parties rise and fall depending on how they contribute to the gross national product. In the United States, the electorate can condone an immoral act of a president as long as he improves the lives of Americans way above comfortable levels. Wars are fought for purposes of controlling economic goods, like the much needed “Middle East black gold,” which is petroleum. Even in religious movements and institutions, concessions can always be availed of by those who are considered assets for their coffers. Some jokingly say, “Prayers are good, but we need cash.” Fr. Domie Guzman, SSP
REFLECTION QUESTIONS: How often and how heavily do you make decisions based on money considerations? In what instances did you sacrifice principles and higher values just because financial issues came into play?
Lord Jesus, grant me the grace to always adhere to Your principles, not those of the world.

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