
Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Daily Reflections - February 13,2013

Our liturgy today commences the season of Lent. We, Filipinos, traditionally refer to Lent as Kuwaresma — a name that aptly reminds us that the whole season of Lent consists of 40 days of continued prayers and penance to welcome another moment of grace when we will commemorate the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus.
Surely, this day, our Eucharistic celebrations overflow with people even if it’s not a Sunday. Force of tradition causes many offices to ask priests to come and celebrate a special Mass in their workplaces. I would even venture to say that, among the numerous Mass goers this day, more of them attend the Eucharist not to go to communion, but to receive the ashes on their foreheads. This I say with my experience of 25 years in the priesthood! There are still more Filipinos who are traditional and  sacramentalized, but not yet properly catechized. Even among professionals in airconditioned offices, a good number has meager knowledge of their Christian faith.
The beginning of Lent must not only make us focus on the rituals we have to prepare for, such as doing the Way of the Cross and abstaining from meat on Fridays. These are good spiritual disciplines, but more important is the growing of our minds and hearts in the truth of Christian doctrines, moral precepts, Scriptures and Church teachings. The Popes have rightly taught: we need a “new evangelization” where the concern is the teaching of the Gospel and Church values not to the unchurched, but to those who have lapsed and grown cold in the grace of their baptism in Church.
Beyond prayer, fasting and almsgiving, Jesus says the Heavenly Father sees what is hidden in our human hearts and minds. May our retreats and recollections this year give us more “meat” for our empty but searching minds. The Apostle Paul himself writes that there can be no real, lasting renewal without the education and transformation of knowledge (cf. Romans 12:2). Fr. Domie Guzman, SSP
REFLECTION QUESTION: What practical catechetical program can you share to others as part of your Lenten service?
Lord Jesus, deepen my appreciation of the religious practices that I do. May I grow in my relationship with You through these rituals.

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