
Monday, February 11, 2013

Daily Reflections - February 10,2013

A unique detail in our Gospel story is this: Jesus seated Himself in one of the boats — the one belonging to Peter, the evangelist stresses — and from there He taught. The boat of Peter signifies the Church. Theologians say that it is in the Church, under the visible headship of the Popes as successors of Peter, that Jesus’ saving words and actions continue to reach out to many through the anointing of the Holy Spirit.
Going through the rest of Luke’s Gospel story, we note that when Peter allowed Jesus into his boat and gave Him permission to direct him on where to lower the nets for a catch, Peter had the most tremendous catch of fish he ever had in his entire fishing life! So great was the catch that the nets began to rip. And the greater message for us as a Church, as church leaders and as churchmen, is that the success and fruitfulness of our apostolates and mission are founded on our humility, faith and obedience. Success comes not because of our competence in theology, in preaching, in pastoring, and in devising formation programs. Success is found in Jesus’ presence and grace.
Two great Popes, now both declared as “Blessed,” had a great impact on the history and progress of our modern Church. First was Blessed John XXIII (Angelo Roncalli) who, though elected as Pope in his elderly age, went on to convene the Second Vatican Council. Second was Blessed John Paul II (the Polish Karol Wojtyla) who served long and who charmed the youth of the world during his life and in his death. Even after his death, long lines of pilgrims, notably with a good number of young people, would come and pray at his tomb. Both Popes had pronounced humility that showed itself in their many candid and unassuming ways, and was founded on their deep sense of dependence on God. Blessed John XXIII kept a crucifix in his bedroom, and before this he prayed to Jesus every night about his various concerns for the Church. Blessed John Paul II had the crucifix of Jesus atop his crosier, and he would be in deep prayer with it even in the midst of a large crowd. Fr. Domie Guzman, SSP                                    
REFLECTION QUESTIONS: Do you belong to a church organization or community, like the Charismatic Renewal movement? What blessings have you experienced by joining this group? What activities of the Church make you feel the presence of Jesus most? Why?
Lord Jesus, teach me to be more humble as I grow closer to You.

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