
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Daily Reflections - January 30,2013

A genie appeared to a man in meditation and said, “Ask of me whatever, oh man, for I am great. To me your thousand years is just like a minute, your millions just a penny.” The man had a clever idea and asked him, “Will you give me a penny?” The genie replied, “Sure, but wait a minute.”
Like the smart aleck in our story, we can be masters of manipulation. We moderns, who literally hold the world in the palms of our hands with our notebooks, iPads and tablets, can change the course of history, both communal and private, with a flick of a finger or a push of a button. We moderns have also lost the art of waiting. Once, I was next in line to a teenager who was withdrawing cash from an ATM machine. When she got her cash she sighed in exasperation, “Gosh, I had to wait 10 seconds to withdraw from this machine!” How I wish that girl was transported several decades earlier, where you fill up forms, stand in line and wait for a teller to process your transactions.
The way of the Kingdom is different from the way we moderns understand the world. Our world is a world of action, speed, productivity, control and even manipulation. The way of the Kingdom is receptivity, time, fruitfulness, docility and acceptance. This is the reason why Jesus used the image of the sower as an image of the Kingdom. Ask any farmer and he will tell you that if he approaches his crops the way a modern man organizes his life, he will not harvest anything.
Before God and His ways, the “do” mentality will not always work. Before God and His ways, the Marian mentality is the key that unlocks and unleashes God’s power and favor: “Be it done to me, according to Your word.” Fr. Joel Jason
REFLECTION QUESTION: Do you approach the altar of God like you approach an ATM machine?
Lord, help me to learn Your ways. May I be patient enough to wait and not choose the short way out so that I may learn more in the process of imitating Your ways. Amen.

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