
Friday, December 28, 2012

Daily Reflections - December 28,2012

When we should be rejoicing over the birth of a baby, we are reminded of the killing of so many innocent children under the reign of Herod. The story is violent, unjust and fatal for the parents and children. See the extent of jealousy, revenge and hatred when it raises its ugly head — to the point of killing innocent ones. Of course this is not new for us in the modern world. Every day, we hear of violence suffered by the innocent. We can rejoice that the child in the manger is the One who comes to redeem all people, young and old. He is Savior, Prince of Peace, and Redeemer of mankind.
I heard it once said that Christmas is for children. There is an element of truth here. Children are the Lord’s precious gift. The child Jesus warms our hearts as any child does. Everything is new, fresh, exciting and adventurous for the newborn. It is no wonder that when we hear the story of today’s Gospel, we feel a sense of anger and vengeance rising within. Children should be respected and given full dignity. But there are those who strip the children of their dignity. Child labor, child prostitution, sex slaves and other forms of abuse we rather not talk about are rampant. Satan is having his field day with all that is happening in the modern world. We need to make a stand in the name of the Holy Innocents.
My heart goes out to those who have lost small children. What do you say to parents who come to you seeking a blessing for their stillborn child? How do you console a parent who arrives at the hospital to find out that the baby just died? How do you make it reasonable when a child only a few days or a month old is taken from their sight? These are real experiences we may have encountered. I have and I do not know how to respond. The commemoration fo the Holy Innocents gives an answer to this. While Rachel weeps for her children and refuse to be comforted, like the parent coming to grip with the child, the Holy Innocents speak loud and clear. Their lives have been short but they will be forever in the embrace of the Holy Child who loves them and has given His life for them. Fr. Brian Steele, MGL
REFLECTION QUESTION: Let us take some time to pray for the children, living or dead.
Jesus, You are the Innocent One who has taken away our suffering. Lighten the burden of those who suffer for the little children. Amen.

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