
Monday, November 19, 2012

Daily Reflections - November 19,2012

The Americans removed the icon of the tablets of the Ten Commandments in their Supreme Court, and they say that is part of being politically correct. They dispensed with prayers in the classrooms to show respect for other people’s religion. In the heat of the Philippine debate on the Reproductive Health Bill, a congresswoman from Iloilo who sponsored the bill openly declared that she was not a Catholic and then said that Catholics should just allow the passage of the bill which is agreeable to others. Elsewhere, we allow Muslims and clerics of other sects to join in invocations.We say this is part of what Vatican Council II preached as “Ecumenism.”
I hate all these! Respect is good, but I believe that the practice of such virtue must be “mutual” as regards the person’s religion and faith. For me to respect your expression of faith, you must also respect my expression of my own faith. Without mutual respect, any effort to mute a person’s own faith is injustice, coercion and harassment. Moderation in faith is suicide and a betrayal of one’s heart and mind.
We, Catholics, are too tame, gentle and soft spoken in the name of “I do not know what.” We allow civil society, tricky politicians and the secular media to bully us out of legitimate discussions. We should learn from the example of the blind man in our Gospel today. He was blessed because he did not obey the cruel crowd who wanted him to simply shut up. On the contrary, he shouted out his faith even louder, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!”
The Christian faith is to be lived, shared, proclaimed and defended even at the cost of the shedding of blood. Some  have been dedicated to a clear formulation of our Credo that needs to be affirmed and re-affirmed by all in prayer. Also, the Church has always held in the highest level of liturgical memory the Apostles who taught and built up the Christian faith, and the martyrs who willingly and boldly witnessed to the Gospel values even in the face of adversities. Fr. Domie Guzman, SSP
REFLECTION QUESTIONS: Have you done your part of shouting out the Christian faith in situations when your public expression of faith is crucial? When and how did you do this? What about our Christian faith and doctrine are you most emphatic of? Why?
Lord, give me the courage and wisdom to proclaim my faith in You.

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