
Monday, November 19, 2012

Daily Reflections - November 18,2012

The year 2011 had been marked by several catastrophes. Terrible earthquakes and a tsunami in Japan wiped out cities and villages. An earthquake in Spain damaged important historical landmarks. There was also the galactic alignment of planets in May 2011, and people speculated on possible upheavals in nature. There were also the wars in several critical areas in the Middle East. Was it the end of the world? Well, the world is still spinning, and we are still here.
The concluding words of Jesus in our Gospel should put useless discussions about the end of the world to rest. He says in the simplest and clearest words, “But of that day or that hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.”
St. Augustine explains that the Heavenly Father decided to keep the exact day and hour of the world’s end to keep us looking forward to this very important moment and live our lives always to the optimum.
How best can we be prepared for the Heavenly Father’s surprise?
(1) Keep loving. We will always be judged and remembered by our loving acts and loving ways. People are willing to overlook many things about one whom they have experienced to be a truly loving person.
(2) Act justly. To act justly is to always be at peace because one owes nothing to anyone.
(3) Live in righteousness. When a person tries to follow the will of God in each circumstance of life, then a person’s conscience is clean and calm.
(4) Close each day with a forgiving heart. The Apostle Paul wrote, “Do not let the sun go down on your anger.” Always finish each day in peace with oneself and in harmony with everyone else.
(5) Pray! A genuine life of prayer makes us at home with God. Prayer is the language of friendship with God. Fr. Domie Guzman, SSP
REFLECTION QUESTIONS: Are you living in a state of spiritual preparedness? What can you do to make yourself always at peace and in harmony with anything?
Jesus, I pray that You will find me faithful when You come again in glory.

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