
Monday, October 1, 2012

Daily Reflections - September 30, 2012

Banish Your Suspicions
Jesus gave the Apostles the authority to perform wonders in His name. Someone who was not of their member was expelling demons in the name of Jesus. They reported the man to Jesus with the claim, “We saw someone driving out demons in your name and we tried to stop him because he is not of our company.” Bluntly, Jesus ordered them not to stop him and essentially told them that they do not have an exclusive copyright over His name.
In the First Reading, Moses, after an intimate encounter with God, came down the mountain and shared the spirit with the 70 elders to prophesy. A certain Eldad and Medad were not there in the gathering yet the spirit descended upon them as well. When they began to prophesy, Aaron wondered and reported them to Moses. In reply, Moses countered, “Would that all the people of the Lord were prophets! Would that the Lord might bestow his spirit on them all!”
Aaron and the disciples wanted to exclude people outside of their circle with what they thought to be righteous indignation. But deep inside it was insecurity and an elitist mentality that motivated them.
 Apostles were against the Pharisees but unwittingly they were Pharisaical in their attitude as well. Pharisee literally means one who is separated, different from the others. That is not the way of Jesus and the Kingdom. Jesus brought about change not as one who was isolated and separated but as Emmanuel, the God who is with us. Jesus did not see an outsider as a potential enemy but as a potential friend and ally. Would that all of us see others with the eyes of Jesus! Fr. Joel Jason
REFLECTION QUESTION: When you see someone who is not of your class, color, race, religion or ideology, do you automatically shut them off?
Jesus, You welcomed the stranger. Help me overcome my fears that I may experience the wealth that also lies beyond the confines of my inner circle. Amen.

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