
Monday, October 8, 2012

Daily Reflections - October 6,2012

I remember the first time I saw an image of the laughing Christ. I was shocked! I always thought of Jesus as the serious type, someone who never smiled. I was wrong. And the Gospel story today validates that. Jesus rejoices in the Holy Spirit. He laughs, He rejoices, He smiles upon the disciples.
You can imagine the scene of the Gospel. The 70 disciples (72 in other translations) come back from their  mission with wide grins on their faces. They all try to share their experiences with Jesus. They recall the healings, preaching and the responses of the people. Jesus listens patiently to their stories and we can imagine the joy welling up within that He could not contain it. It bursts forth in praise as He rejoices in the Holy Spirit.
Jesus turns all praise and glory to the Father: “I praise you Father, Lord of heaven and earth.” He rejoices not so much as what has been accomplished but that the missionaries have had a share in the joy of the Kingdom. The Kingdom of God is advancing its reign even while they are on mission. The Father has been revealed to them in and through their missions. They have shared in Jesus’ joy in making the Father known. No wonder Jesus can’t stop smiling and laughing. This is the ultimate joy — the joy that St. John writes, “knowing Jesus and the Father who sent him” (1 John 1:4). In a profound gesture, Jesus, after addressing the Father, turns to His delegates:“You have seen and heard wonderful things.”
We, too, rejoice that our names are written in the book of heaven if we do the will of the Father — making Him known among the nations. The disciples are blessed by Jesus’ words but even more ourselves when Jesus tells Thomas after His resurrection, “Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe” (John 20:29). We are the fulfillment of that promise. None of us have seen Jesus but by our faith we see Him. We recognize Him in the breaking of bread. We recognize Him in His Word. We recognize Him in the lives of those we love and serve. Fr. Brian Steele, MGL
REFLECTION QUESTIONS: Do you rejoice with Jesus that your name is written in heaven? Are you living a life according to the will of the Father, making Him known among the people?
Lord, fill me with the joy of Your Holy Spirit. Let Your face shine on me forever. Amen.

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