
Thursday, September 27, 2012

Daily Reflections - September 27, 2012

Seek Him and You Shall Find Him
“Herod the tetrarch heard about all that Jesus was doing, and he was greatly perplexed… And he kept trying to see Him.”
Herod the tetrarch in today’s Gospel is an interesting figure for our study. He beheaded John the Baptist because he did not like what John said. Now Jesus was preaching and He was beginning to gather a large following. The Gospel said that Herod heard Jesus speak. He was not readily converted but the curious thing was, the Gospel said, “He kept trying to see Him.” Herod
may not have liked everything that he heard from Jesus but something in him stirred every time he heard Jesus. He wanted more. He was interested. He kept trying to see Him.
I remember now a parable.
A man approached a monk meditating near the river bank for some advise on the spiritual life. “Brother monk, how can I find God?” he inquired. Without a word, the monk grabbed the man and, with his strong arm, submerged him in the river face down. He fought off the monk and when he surfaced he angrily said while grasping for air, “Are you trying to kill me? I almost ran out of air there!” The monk calmly replied, “If your desire to find God is as strong as your desire to get some air, you will surely find Him.”
This is the key. Like Herod, we must keep trying to see Him.
You want to hear His Word? It is there in the Scriptures. You only have to open your Bible. Do you even have a Bible to begin with? You say you want to be with Him? He is there in the Eucharist. He is there forever waiting for you in the tabernacle. When was the last time you disposed yourself well at Mass or visited the adoration chapel? You say you want to feel His friendship? When was the last time you humbled yourself and celebrated the sacrament of reconciliation?
Friends, are you looking for God? He is not hiding. He is not playing hard to get. The real issue is, “How hard are you looking for Him?”Fr. Joel Jason
REFLECTION QUESTION: How much time and space have you consecrated for your spiritual growth?
Lord Jesus, I own today the words of the Psalmist: “As morning breaks, I think of You, O Lord.” Amen.

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